R A D I O S W E D E N Tune in S-105 10 Stockholm Lyssna till oss Schalt ein Phone +46-8-784 0000 Branchez-vous Fax +46-8-667 6283 Sintonicenos Telex RRSWE S 11 738 Spuchajte nas Kuulake meid Klausies Zviedriju *** Brought to USENET by Lars Aronsson *** Copied without permission. All typing errors are mine. Programs are 30 minutes unless otherwise stated Svenska (1) Riksradions P1 vardagar (2) P1+P3 lordagar (3) P1 sondagar (4) P1 vardagar, utlandsprogrammet lor- och sondagar (5) P1 ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Tid GMT Frekvenser kHz Tid GMT Frekvenser kHz ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- E u r o p a / A f r i k a A s i e n / A u s t r a l i e n 0500-0715 6065, 15390, 21460 (1) 1100 17740, 21570 0600-0900 6065, 15390, 21460 (2) 1300 17740, 21570 0600-1000 6065, 15390, 21460 (3) 1430 21570 1130 6065, 15230, 21690 (5) 2200 7290, 11845 (4) 1600-1700 6065 (5) 0130 9770 1700 1179, 6065, 9615 (5) 1830 6065, 9655, 11900 N o r d a m e r i k a 2100 1179, 6065, 7265 (4) 1430 17880, 21500 2300 1179 1700 17880 (5) 0030 1179 0230 9695, 11705 L a t i n a m e r i k a 2300 9695, 11705 0030 9695, 11705 English ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Hours GMT Frequencies kHz Hours GMT Frequencies kHz ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- E u r o p e / A f r i c a / M. E. A s i a / A u s t r a l i a 1800 6065, 9655, 11900 1230 11715, 17740, 21570 1930 6065, 7265 1400 9765, 17740, 21570 2200 1179(AM), 6065 0100 9770 2330 1179(AM) 0100 1179(AM) N o r t h A m e r i c a 1530 17880, 21500 Tune in every Tuesday to 0200 9695, 11705 "Sweden Calling DXers" 0330 9695, 11705 L a t i n A m e r i c a 2330 9695, 11705 Deutsch (* Nur samstags, sonntags) Eesti keel ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Zeit GMT Fraquenzen kHz GMT aeg Frequencies kHz ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- E u r o p a 1930-1945 1179, 5975 1030-1130 * 6065 1630 1179, 9615 Latviski 1730 1179, 5975, 6065, 9615 ---------------------------------- 2000-2100 1179, 6065, 7265 GMT laiks Frequencies kHz ---------------------------------- 1945-2000 1179, 5975 Francais Espanol ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Hours GMT Frequencies kHz Hours GMT Frequencies kHz ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- E u r o p e / A f ri q u e E u r o p a 1900-1915 6065, 7265 1915-1930 6065, 7265 2130-2145 1179, 6065 2145-2200 1179, 6065 2245-2300 1179, 6065 2230-2245 1179, 6065 0015-0030 1179 0000-0015 1179 A s i e A s i a 1500-1515 9765 1515-1530 9765 A m e r i q u e d u N o r d A m e r i c a d e l N o r t e 1500-1515 17880, 21500 1515-1530 17880, 21500 0315-0330 9695, 11705 0300-0315 9695, 11705 A m e r i q u e L a t i n e A m e r i c a L a t i n a 2245-2300 9695, 11705 2230-2245 9695, 11705 0015-0030 9695, 11705 0000-0015 9695, 11705 Po-Russki ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- Vremya GMT Frequencies kHz Vremya GMT Frequencies kHz ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------- E v r o p a A z i y a 1600 1179, 9615, 7265 1200 9695, 11715, 11925 1900 1179, 5975 1330 9765, 17740, 21570 2000 5975 S w e d e n C a l l i n g D X e r s Radio Sweden's telecommunications program "Sweden Calling DXers" is the oldest program of its kind on the air, having started back in February 1948. The program's popularity is attested by the fact that it attracts between 5 and 10 percent of all letters to radio Sweden. The "Sweden Calling DXers" bulletins are mailed regularly to some 1500 contributors to the program from around the world, and an Electronic Edition is available on the CompuServe HamNet Forum as well as telephone-based and packet radio computer bulletin board systems internationally. Our publications "The Beginners Guide to DXing" and " The DXers Guide to the Galaxy" are available for free. Broadcast in all of our languages except Swedish every Tuesday, "Sweden Calling DXers" concentrates on the latest shortwave news. We also keep you up-to-date on the latest in satellites and other exotic forms of electronic communications. R a d i o S w e d e n T - s h i r t s Radio Sweden T-shirts are available in white, high-quality 100% cotton, with Radio Sweden Moose/Elk in multi-colour print. (Indian listeners contact Radio Sweden, P.O.Box 203, Thanjavur-613007) Prices: SEK 80, US$ 15, DM 23, or GBP 9. Sizes: S, M, L, XL, XXL The shirts are mailed on receipt of your order, paid by international money order, Swedish postal giro account # 30690-2, internationally negotiable BANK cheque or 25 international reply coupons. -- Lars Aronsson, Lysator computer club, Linkoping University, Sweden Aronsson@Lysator.LiU.SE Voice phone at home +46-13-17 2143